
Forging Strong Bonds Between Haiti and the US

Established in 2011, the consulate strives to serve the Haitian people living in the US. Communication services and proper representation of the people and the state of Haiti is under the jurisdiction of the consulate.

Objective and Functions

The consulate performs a variety of important functions, including

Objective and Functions

The consulate performs a variety of important functions, including

  • Protecting the Interests of the Haitian Community and the Haitian State
  • Fostering Commercial, Economic, Cultural, and Scientific Relations Between Haiti and the United States and Promoting Friendly Relations
  • Issuing Passports and Travel Documents to Haitian Nationals, as Well as Visas and Documents Suitable for Foreigners Wishing to Visit Haiti
  • Acting as a Notary and Registrar and Performing Similar Functions
  • Certain Administrative Functions

Bienvenue sur le site du Consulat Général d’Haïti à Atlanta

Je suis heureux de vous accueillir, aux côtés de toute l’équipe du consulat général, sur ce site. Je vous souhaite la plus cordiale  bienvenue.

Le Consulat Général d’Haïti a été créé en   février 2011, suite au constat du gouvernement haïtien de la croissance constante de la population haïtienne dans le Sud-Est des États-Unis. (Lire la suite)

Head of Post at the Consulate General of Haiti in Atlanta